Program status

Why APEX impact program


Each company will be introduced to the entirety of APEX’s industry pioneering ecosystem, whereby our community becomes your community. We’d like for each portfolio company to learn from other portfolio companies, collectively creating unique industry insights, as well as leveraging each other's experiences and perspectives to solve problems.


We work hand-in-hand with our investments to provide detailed commercial and strategic support, focusing on generating sustainable customer traction and revenue. This includes a mixture of highly collaborative knowledge sharing sessions, working alongside our investment and business development teams.


We back ambitious founders that we passionately believe have the potential to go all the way. We invest €250,000 to drive commercial growth at a critical point in a company’s development.


What kind of companies do you invest in?

We fund early stage technology companies that are focused on the Sports, Media, & Entertainment sectors. We specifically look for companies that: 

  • Have demonstrated some traction (customer and/or revenue)
  • Have a valuation of no more than €8,000,000 
  • Have founders that are full-time 
  • Have previously raised funding 
  • Have founders with an undeniable appetite to succeed
How much do you usually invest?

We have a standard deal for all our Impact Program investments. We invest €250,000 in every company on standard terms alongside our commercial agreement.

How frequently do you invest?

Our aim is to invest in 2-4 companies per investment cycle (every 24-30 weeks).  

How long is the application period?

The application period will last approximately 10 weeks.

What happens after I submit my application?

Each application will be carefully reviewed by our investment team. Shortlisted companies will then be invited for a 30-minute video call.

What is the structure of the Program post-investment?

Once the companies have been selected, there are three phases: 

  • Phase 1: Assessment (4 weeks)
  • Phase 2: Execution (2 – 6 weeks) 
  • Phase 3: Growth (Ongoing)


A detailed overview of the objectives and activities below

Where will the Program be held?

Whilst the majority of the Program will be virtual, there will be several opportunities to travel throughout the first 4 weeks.

Will APEX provide follow-on investment?

We will explore opportunities to co-invest in subsequent funding rounds, providing each company has secured a lead investor. In order to do so, we will work actively to ensure our portfolio companies are introduced to the right investors.

What are we looking for?

Business Model

Companies that have truly innovative and scalable business models.

Diverse Teams

Founders that are passionate about what they do and are motivated to outwork their competition.


Companies that have demonstrated early traction, within a clearly defined client segment.
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