

Rights holders can't find a cost-efficient solution to deliver live broadcast to specific demographics that may find the original feed hard to understand for cultural reasons. Traditional infrastructure around broadcasting is too expensive to target specific audiences which are usually too small to cover broadcasting costs


Spalk is a virtual commentary studio, specialising in providing content distribution accompanied by live commentary in any language. This service requires a very lean infastructure, only a Wi-Fi connection and a high-quality microphone. The Olympics have 205 different national committees joining in 2024 and are now testing Spalk's technology to have an inclusive broadcast for every nation and culture

Athlete quotes

"206 National Olympic Committees will compete at the Olympic Summer Games in Paris in 2024. Broadcasters need cost-efficient technologies that allow them to reach all potential cultures that are willing to consume these media-rights. Language is a huge barrier and Spalk can fix that for broadcasters"

Ben Reynolds

Co-Founder & CEO, Spalk